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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Global Warming

Hi Friends..
Global warming is the most gigantic problem ahead of us.. in order to create awareness I did this Photoshop image.


For this image I googled suitable images below (Labelled as Free to use)

Now take the earth image and make it a bit reddish yellow in color like this..

to-do this go to image>adjustment>color balance and bring the cursor in to the last in both the red and yellow section..


Bring the fire ball image and fit it exactly to the center of the earth.. and change the mode of the fire ball to overlay..


Now bring the black hole image and fit the earth and the fireball image into it..


Now bring the fire image and warp it according to the earth curvature and fix it.. if u want give a linear dodge so that the fire looks a bit bright and highly detailed..

And this is my final image..

Thanks.. see ya in next post..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

special effects in photoshop.. person glow effect.. dedicated to SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR )

hi friends..
in this tutorial i have done a special effects to dedicate to the great master blaster SACHIN TENDULKAR.. for this.. i took this base image..

this is picture was taken by a photographer during the india vs west indies match held in chennai (india)when he walked from the ground when he knew he was OUT evenn though the umpire didt say that he was out..


ok now lets goto the editing..
first desaturate the image..

IMAGE>ADJUSTMENT>HUE/SATURATION.. and completely bring the saturation down to 0..

now the image looks like this..


duplicate the layer and rename it as person.. now cut the person from this dupliacted layer using various tools such as lasso, eraser and quick selection tool..

now the layer "person" looks like..

for bettter editing hide the base layer temporarily..


unhide the base layer after clipping..
now change the blending mode of the layer "person" to LINEAR DODGE..

thats the final image and this effect is named as PERSON GLOW(actually i named this :P )

thanks and see you in the next tutorial..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to design a youtube logo

hi friends.. i thought of designing a youtube logo while i was watchin videos in youtube.. and thus sharing my creativity with you..
the original logo is..

for this i required a font which is ALMOST similar to youtube.. i googled it and found it..

now we'll see the steps involved in it..


first open a new document.. type 'you' and 'tube' in seperate layers.. give black colour to 'you' and white colour to 'tube'.. give a inner shadow in the colour #ee3e3e with default settings in the blending option of 'tube' layer..


in a new layer draw a round edged rectangle with a colour of #ee3e3e in a smaller size and then transform it as it looks like in the original logo..


in the final step use a brush of white colour and just click in the top right corner of the new red box in a new layer..then use lasso tool to remove the unwanted brush effect outside the box.. and adjust it to the inner part of the box..

now compare this with the original logo..

except some minor changes the logo looks perfect..
see ya later..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

how to design facebook logo

hi friends welcome to my another blog..
this time i've tried to design the facebook logo..
the original image is..


create a new image in the size of 500x500 pixels.. create a round edged rectangle in a smaller size then transform it to fit the image.. then apply a radial gradient of #365497 to #466ecf from the bottom of the image to center..


create two duplicate layer of the round edged rectangle.. in the original layer give a drop shadow with 5 distance, 5 size, 15 spread, and 120degree angle..


now give the colour overlay in the first duplicate layer with #466ecf and shrink it using free transform.. and do the same to the second duplicate layer without the colour overlay..


type 'f' in arial font in a new layer..


cut unwanted regions from the font.. by first rasterizing the font layer and then cutting it using lasso or marquee tool..

now create a round marquee tool with a fill of white colour and opacity 50%..

now check the above with the original logo

see ya in next tutorial..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How to Design Google LOGO

welcome to yet another tutorials..

this time i've decided to try the google logo design.. for that i chose the font CALIFONIA FB.. its already installed in your fonts.. so it wont be a problem for u..

the steps involved here are..

1) open a new document type the word 'Google' with the font mentioned above.. give a light grey colour for it..

2) now do some blending to the layer.. first is drop shadow.. for my design i chose 7 for distance 35 for opacity and 4 for spread.. later rasterize the layer and split each letter to each layer using lasso tool..

3) then give colours to each letter by using the colour overlay in blending as you have seen in the google logo in its home page..

now the above picture looks
to google's logo..

see ya again.. :):)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to design MMA ( ManMadhan Ambu) colosseum effect.

hi again..
In this tuts we gonna design the manmadhan ambu movie's heart shaped Colosseum.
the original movie design is..

For this I've googled the perfect picture required for this design..

now open this picture in photo shop.. use crop marque tool to cut the colosseum in to half (the good looking one).. then use magnetic lasso tool to select the Colosseum alone.. right click the selection.. select layer via copy.. hide the previous layers.. now the picture looks like this..

now use eraser or lasso tool to remove the center part of the colosseum..

now warp the picture to look like a half heart..

duplicate the layer.. flip in horizontally.. and adjust it with the half heart Colosseum.. now it looks like..

then the Eiffel tower googled out..

now use lasso tool to seperate the tower alone..

then move it into the Colosseum.. and use rotate & warp to make it look like the poster.. use some erasing works.. then now the image is perfect with the original design now the coloring thing is remaining. now merge the colosseum and tower images.. and delete all other layers.. and add hue/saturation.. for this goto image>adjust>hue/saturation.. and select the required levels..
i used hue -62, saturation +14 lightness -4.
now the design is ready..

u can design this Colosseum just in 20 mins..
see ya in next tuts and tips..