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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

special effects in photoshop.. person glow effect.. dedicated to SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR )

hi friends..
in this tutorial i have done a special effects to dedicate to the great master blaster SACHIN TENDULKAR.. for this.. i took this base image..

this is picture was taken by a photographer during the india vs west indies match held in chennai (india)when he walked from the ground when he knew he was OUT evenn though the umpire didt say that he was out..


ok now lets goto the editing..
first desaturate the image..

IMAGE>ADJUSTMENT>HUE/SATURATION.. and completely bring the saturation down to 0..

now the image looks like this..


duplicate the layer and rename it as person.. now cut the person from this dupliacted layer using various tools such as lasso, eraser and quick selection tool..

now the layer "person" looks like..

for bettter editing hide the base layer temporarily..


unhide the base layer after clipping..
now change the blending mode of the layer "person" to LINEAR DODGE..

thats the final image and this effect is named as PERSON GLOW(actually i named this :P )

thanks and see you in the next tutorial..

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