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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

how to design facebook logo

hi friends welcome to my another blog..
this time i've tried to design the facebook logo..
the original image is..


create a new image in the size of 500x500 pixels.. create a round edged rectangle in a smaller size then transform it to fit the image.. then apply a radial gradient of #365497 to #466ecf from the bottom of the image to center..


create two duplicate layer of the round edged rectangle.. in the original layer give a drop shadow with 5 distance, 5 size, 15 spread, and 120degree angle..


now give the colour overlay in the first duplicate layer with #466ecf and shrink it using free transform.. and do the same to the second duplicate layer without the colour overlay..


type 'f' in arial font in a new layer..


cut unwanted regions from the font.. by first rasterizing the font layer and then cutting it using lasso or marquee tool..

now create a round marquee tool with a fill of white colour and opacity 50%..

now check the above with the original logo

see ya in next tutorial..